Rutledge Falls

Rutledge Falls is a popular waterfall near Tullahoma that is on private property. The landowners allow access as long as visitors respect the property and keep it free from trash and vandalism. There is a small parking area on the street with a trail that leads to the falls.

On the trail there is a statue that was originally a decoration at the State Capital, one of three representing Morning, Noon, and Night. In 1958, the statues were relocated due to renovations. The former owner of this property, TN State Senator Lyndon "Pop" Jennings came across the Night status and asked for permission to be "The Lady of the Falls" a couple years after the capital renovations. The other are lost to time, rumored to have been buried under the capital when they were no longer needed after the renovations.

Hiking trails can be found on AllTrails.

Rutledge Falls is are accessible to the public, there is no entrance fee or permit required.


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